Saturday 21 April 2012

It's been 3 weeks now and I'm still working, still following my diet with the exception of my post-work meal (I indulge).  I've averaged 16 hours a week so far, my goal is to keep a more consistent schedule of 16-20 hours a week.  I'll be starting first thing in the morning (9:00am), this way my employers know when I will be there, and I'll work as long as I can (my goal is 4-5 hours).  This way I can work every day of the week and still keep medical appointments for the afternoon, when they occur.  I've been feeling frustrated lately, I have the motivation to work more, and improve my life, but I know I need to be patient with the process less I force a relapse due to too much stress.  My symptoms remain the same, only, I've found that the past few weeks I've been able to do whatever is I'm doing through them.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I put in 21 hours work over 4 days last week and all is well.  Though I was brought in for general labour I am learning a lot about the carpentry trade which is a huge bonus.  I worked Monday, Tuesday of this week and after a day off today, (my body needs the rest), I will be working Thursday, Friday.  I've almost finished writing all the parts for a new song, and hope my fellow bandmates will approve.  I have been following my diet, but on the days I work I have been having a sub, pizza, or burger meal afterwards.  I'm not sure if I need the gym anymore with how physical my job is, it's like a 5 hour workout.  I was thinking of training on my days off but my body needs the rest.  Things are going very well, I hope this continues.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

I've made it through two 5 hour days, going to be doing 2 more Thursday and Friday.  So far things couldn't be going better, I'm working part-time and playing a lot of music, hope to jam soon with my brother and 2 friends. The only down side is how much work I'm going to have to put in to get my voice back!

Monday 2 April 2012

I've been offered some labour work, it's occasional, he'll call me when he needs me and is ok with me only putting in half days a few days a week at most.  Every building I'd be working at is within a 10 minute bike or bus.  I've prepared a plan of what I need to bring with me and am really hoping this works out for me.

Sunday 1 April 2012

I measured my weight and bodyfat today, so far I've lost 4 pounds and gone down in bodyfat 2%.  Anyone on medications for mental illness knows that it's difficult to maintain a consistent healthy weight, It would seem my training schedule and diet agree with me on this issue.  Had an amazing time jamming with my brother and friends last night, hopefully this continues.